Experimental typefaces
for display and logo design.

Type design collection 01—03



Graffiti-style letters inspired from my growing belly in the first covid lockdown. Just want to create something silly that can make people happy.

I hope you like it too.




It happened when I was working on the other project, in the middle of the night when I craved a simple boiled egg, and nothing is more than desperate when you run out of eggs in the kitchen but you only need one for your working late snack.

That triggered me to use this humble but essential ingredient to design 800g. It was enjoyable to evolve the extra large eggs to a useable font with a set of numbers, punctuation, upper & lower case and a double yolk character.

If you guys like the design, I may have the 600g coming too!




Inspired by dance and the floating paper movement. Designing ‘Posey’ expressed my feeling after I saw an article about Flyte. 

The song was heartbreaking but their live performance was inspiring. The pure dance and the open field stage with paper flowing are beautiful yet minimalistic.


Jazlyn Fung is a Melbourne-based designer with a love for typography.

Originally from Hong Kong, Jazlyn worked for years in environmental graphics and branding before moving to Melbourne and has since had time to experiment with type design.

Contact Jazlyn via email/instagram for custom fonts,
logo design service and design collaboration.

Email: jazlyn@heytype.xyz
Insta: @Jazheiman